Exante Diet is a very low calorie meal replacement diet that is simple to follow and is safe and effective.
- Replace your daily conventional meals with our specially formulated low calorie meal replacements
- 3 Exante Diet products = 100% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins, minerals.
- Choose from our range of diet shakes, soups, bars and food packs
Watch our introduction video or read on for more information on how our diet plan can work for you.

Burning Fat in 'Ketosis'
While following Exante Diet your body will consume fewer calories than your body requires on a daily basis creating a calorie deficit. After 2-4 days your body will enter a normal metabolic state called Ketosis where your body will use its fat stores to produce energy. Even if you weren't following a diet most people will enter a state of ketosis at some point in a 24-hour cycle, usually when asleep.
2 Pounds or 10 Stone
We have customers aiming to lose anything from 2lbs to 10 stone. With Exante Diet, any weight loss can be achieved and maintained because it's flexible enough to work as a very low calorie diet (VLCD) or as a way of maintaining your weight. Or if you slip out of good habits, you can simply reintroduce Exante Diet to help get you back on track.

Fast Delivery, Fast Results
Things happen fast with Exante. We'll give you free next working day delivery so order online today and start as soon as tomorrow.
Next working day delivery applies for orders over £50 made before 1pm on a working day and the delivery address is mainland UK). For more information visit our Delivery page.
Less Counting Calories, More Losing Weight
If you get a bit confused by all the contents and calories in food, you're not the only one! Fortunately, all Exante Diet meal replacement products are approximately 200 calories, meaning you can have any 3 Exante Diet meal replacement products per day on any of our diet plans without needing to count the calories. Simple!

No Distractions
Our customers on the Total Solution love that all they need are 3 Exante Diet meal replacement products per day for 100% RDA of vitamins and minerals.
Find Out What Our Customers Think of Exante Diet
We have lots of happy customers that are so thrilled with how Exante Diet has helped transform their life. Take a look at our Success Stories for some inspiration, or visit our Reviews page to see what customers think of our products and service. Oh, and don't forget to check out our Facebook page, we've got a great community where everyone supports each other.
Ready to Get Started?
If you're ready to say hello to the new you, visit our shop to order your products. Remember, you only need 3 Exante Diet meal replacement products a day on any of our diet plans.